Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday, March 28th - Scrambled Eggs and Pizza

Breakfast was lunch. We woke up late!!! I blame jetlag. D, bless him, ventured out to get us milk and fruit. I had cereal. Still trying to recover my fibre levels and reduce my cholesteral from all the eggs I ate on holiday. D on the other end is going the other way. He had a bagel with fried tomato with scrambled free range eggs. You can really tell high quality eggs from the rest right away. The yolks were a deep amber colour even after whisking. Also when you put into a pan, the yolk is very up right and the white is not as runny. His scrambled eggs, just a touch of milk in a buttered pan were very canary yellow. Photo to come.

Dinner we went to a friend's 10th 30th birthday party. He asked us all to bring a BC wine. He made homemade pizza and bruschetta. He turned off his lights and unplugged his fridge at Earth Hour!. Luckily his oven was gas. He used brucetta spread and artichoke dip for his pizza base. It was super yummy. I think he made one with italian ham too which I avoided.mmm

My favorite wines of the dozens there (a few surprises) ....

Meyers Family (which we brought :-D)
Lotusland Girlmeaner (no spelling mistake. It was like a gurwertraminer, sweet, from Abbottsford! WTF!!)
Blasted Church Chardonnay (no oak)
Blasted Church Merlot
And one in a decanter I did not see the bottle.
Avoided all the Jackson Triggs and the Mission Hill like a Republican!

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