Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday, May 27th - Elephant Walk Phad Thai

I used to live in England for a few years so I appreciate pubs as a source of good food. Yes, there's beer as well. I'm off beer right now. I'll take a sip occasionally but without unavoidable bloating...I mean I look 3 months preggers! Now wine, they are shite for, bar none! I've even been to a few Gastro pubs that shamefully don't pay enough attention to their winelist. Not really an issue in Vancouver though, or Canada in general. Gastro pubs will only garner a 'huh?' if uttered here. Too bad. The food is honest and wonderful if you find a good one. If you're planning a foodie trip to the uk, consider a Gastro Pub crawl. You can search for them online.

Well, Wednesday was a horribly annoying day with the beginning of a string of end of day calls that dragged on for 5 hours. I will confess, that I got changed for my Ultimate game with the game on speaker. I hadn't had a bite before going so I was starved after the game.

We went to the Elephant Walk pub on 41st. It was a car ride from the field and I don't see why we bothered. I tried to order wine and the nice girl's response was bewilderment.

me: What kind of wine do you have?
her: huh? What do you mean?
me: What kind of wine do you have?
her: well, we have both kinds.
me: What do you mean?
her: Red and White.
me: what kind of white?
her: house
me: what is on the bottle?
her: huh?
me: nevermind
So we all put in our food orders in. I ordered Elephant Walk Phad Thai. Pad Thai is oddly enough, a fixture in true english pubs along with the chips. Weird I know but true. Usually mountainous piles of noodles which are perfect for the starving over worked professional who is trapped in a cheesy neighborhood pub with no wine. Actually, I've had some Pad Thai at pubs that is better than the orange, ketchupy ones I've had in some Thai Restaurants. I.e. the Thai House on 6th near Burrard is like that. I mean really how hard is it for a proper thai place to have tamarind paste!!!

Anyhoo, this was not one of those favourable pad thai pub experiences. It was alright though, and definitely not ketchupy which is good but it wasn't stir fried enough and the noodles were underdone. The up side was they used the wide noodles which are usually in the Ho Fun. There were loads and loads of bell peppers. I felt like I was eating forever. So filling it was, veggeriffic, it was. Worth a trip back to 41st and Victoria? No.

I did end up ordering the 'house' white. It wasn't bad. If I am faced with the situation where I have to order blind wine in a place like that I will opt for the white. I find bad reds far worse that bad whites.

If you do want to go, their Yam Fries were good. I stole a couple from my friends' plates. The mini sliders looked alright as well as their chicken wings (not the BBQ). Oh and Thursday is musical bingo.

Elephant Walk Pub
1445 41st Avenue East
Vancouver, BC
V5P 1J8

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