Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday, May 26th - Mushroom Pizza with Broccoli

I had a mentee session with a friend who is graduating from her MBA soon. We went to Jimmy's Tap house. I've been their for lunch and for a quick bite it's good. I wouldn't go for a nice dinner. We only had wine today and boy did I need it. I had a glass of, Wolf Blass Shiraz. I didn't really care for anything on the list but I thought Wolf Blass might be safe. It wasn't it was nasty. Really sour, and bitter.

I ran home because I still had work to do so I had my 'too much work' default of a plain pizza. I topped it with Mushrooms and Broccoli. I only washed it and not steamed it. I really like what happens to Broccoli, Kale and Brussel sprouts when you roast them instead of boiling. They get this wonderful nutty flavour you can't beat. Place the broccoli on top of all the other toppings. Now, they will fall off and you could add extra cheese if you want to glue it on but that's not what I needed this junk food week.

MMMMM roasted broccoli :-D

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