Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday, Sep 9th - BBQ Pizzas before the Rains came

BBQ Red Pepper and Pesto Pizza
So as I mentioned yesterday, I had a Pizza craving yesterday.  We filled that cheesy void with Quesadillas instead.  D had a different craving tonight.  He was determined to eke out every minute of BBQ time we could clock before the dreaded North West rains came.  The forecast showed rain from Friday to Monday.  D had come home early that day from a late afternoon Dental so I returned to find the dough already rising!  Too cool.  We have made the BBQ dough before.  In a couple of places, they recommend Cake flour.  I do not understand why.  It seems counterintuitive to me to have such fine flour in a recipe that normally calls for high gluten.  Anyhoo, it was not an issue because we do not have Cake flour in the house.  Cake flour is a finer grind and less gluten which allows for more delicate and tender baking for things like Cake, Baguette or Gravy (less lumps).    Oh well, next time.  D used up all the flour so we can't make the pie we wanted to make for Friday's dinner party anyway.  I'll buy some of both next time I do a shop.

Along the theme early this week about simplified ingredient lists.  D only used 1 per pizza.  The dough recipe below will make 12" x 6" cracker thin Pizzas.  We saved two portions as an appetiser for dinner Friday.

BBQ Eggplant Pizza
BBQ Pizzas

BBQ Pizza Dough Recipe HERE

Cilantro Pesto and Roasted Red Bell Peppers (you can use jarred or BBQ your own by charring the skin off) with fresh Basil
Red and Marinated Eggplant (we use San Remo Brand but this link is similar) fresh Oregano and Parsley

It's almost fall here folks! Enjoy it while it lasts :^D



Magic of Spice said...

That looks these flavors :)

Anonymous said...

Ok..this pizza seriously looks amazing! Now I am craving pizza! I will have to try this one out...looks great