Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sunday, Sep 5th - Hiking Sandwiches and Chanterelles in Butter with Pesto on Capellini

Camping Breakfast
We took a leisurely time with breakfast today and had some lovely Eggs on Bread with Beans.  D had never seen that before.  Actually, he thought the whole concept of Beans at breakfast was just odd.  I did not really think about this.  When do North American's eat their Baked Beans.  I am a North American but I do not remember when I used to eat them as a child.  We did not really have them that often.  In England, they are n institution.  Beans on Toast is as a big a staple 'meal' as Peanut Butter and Jam here.  One of the more popular loaf bread brands in the UK has a photograph of Baked Beans screened onto the packaging.  I remember my flatmate would come home quite late, toast and Flora (margarine) his bread, place them flat on a plate and pour some heated Baked Beans over it.  That's pretty much it.  That's how they're eaten.  They are on the side of a Full English (aka Full English Breakfast).  I thought it was Yum and I bought this variety that had Chipotle flavouring.  It was quite stodgy though and I had forgotten how much so.  It was a good thing we were going to work it off.

I like hiking.  A good hike is nice.  You're outdoors.  You're excercising and challenging yourself.  The tough bit is that I am a goal oriented person.  I like to know what the destination is and the point.  We chose a trail based on the most vague of maps.  The ranger there gave us a few recommendations but they were also quite vague.  I mean, I need to know I'm going to reach a summit, a ridge, a lake or an awesome view.  We were told none of that and the maps were like a doctor's signature on a blank piece of paper.  Well, at least the ones available at the Ranger station and welcome centre were.  Some people we met along the way had hiking books with better descriptions.  So suffice it to say that I moaned most of the way.  We hike for over 4 hours and there was no view at the end since we were enveloped by thick clouds by that time.  As well D had told me it was going to be a moderate hike, since I was feeling a bit under the weather.  It was straight up hill on switch backs for the last mile.  Oh, wait let me explain the moaning.  The entire path was a razors edge cut into the side of a mountain the whole way along where we passed another hiker at least every 10 minutes.  There were no large growths or fields where a girl could find some privacy. It did not help that every once in a while I would see evidence that a gentleman did not feel the same reservation. Grrrrr!  And there's D insisting I keep hydrated.  I'd sooner have passed out from dehydration and have D carry me back than add to the existing pressure.

Hiking Sandwich
At the top, we stopped on a rock for some food.  Simple stuff.  We had bought some Smoked Salmon, the cooked variety in a foil vacuum seal pack.  We brought along some Cheddar and nice Wholewheat bread to add to the fresh Lettuce and Tomato we had picked up at the Farmer's Market in Port Townsend.  I can't believe I hadn't hung on to some Mustard packs from the cafeteria or take out.  That would have been awesome.  I don't have sandwiches too often.  I think of it as my last ditch option for lunch.  Dunno, I think I might have had too much 'Pret a Manger' whilst living in London.  They live on ready made Sandwiches there.  The exception being is Grilled Panini with too much cheese. MMMMM I haven't found a good place near work though. :^(  That digression being said, a nice big sandwhich is great after a gruelling hike.  My only reservation from complete enjoyment was that we had the full travel back!  If you are going to hike in Olympic National Park around Hurrican Pass or Khalahanie Ridge, bring your own guidebook.  The park Maps suck!


Chanterelle Mushrooms from Pacific Crest Foragers
Dinner was quite posh for camping, if I do say so myself.  I mean there wasn't anything to complex about it bu there's something to be said for adding Chanterelles into the mix.  Come on!  I even found some Chives and Thyme growing in the planter by the Ranger station.  I used some on the Eggs at breakfast too. 

Cilantro and Cashew Pesto on Capellini with Chanterelle Mushrooms
The Chanterelles we bought from Pacific Crest Foragers in Port Townsend were quite mild and meaty.  I quite liked them.  Last year, they went on sale on Commercial and we bought a few kilos.  There were large and beautiful and had quite a pungent floral quality to them.  I wasn't sure I'd be able to face them again ever. I'm glad I'm over that.  We added them to our Cilantro and Cashew Pesto and Capellini.  Capellini is great for Camping because it is the quickest cooking pasta so you can save on fuel and fading sunlight.  It's easy enough to pack Pesto for a short trip.  It is not overly perisable and volume and weight-wise, it is not as big a 'burden' as a jar of red sauce.  And the added mushrooms made the meal more substantial which we earned with all that hiking. :^D



Chefs Resources said...

Very nice meal for a hike! I love both salmon and chanterelles. I'm also jealous of your hiking in the Olympics! Must have been beautiful (if it didn't rain too much).

Me said...

Thanks, it was beautiful. It did not start to rain until our drive back and boy did it rain!