Tuesday, May 04, 2010

May 3rd - Radiatore in Pesto with Grape Tomatoes

I am so tired.  We just got in from Mexico this morning.  We woke at 4h30 am for our airport transfer for our flight at 8h30.  I slept a bit on the flight but really one continous round of rest was not to be.  Add to that, I had to work this afternoon.  I will catch up on the days we had there including a traditional Korean Tea Ceremony called a Paebahk. Right now and probably for a few days, I am in no state to be

Dinner had to be easy and quick.  D was feeling a bit pasta deprived so he made Radiatore, one of my favourite pasta shapes.  It is presumably one of the more modern shapes since the name would suggest that it resembles a radiator (heater).  Its tight, multi-layered shape holds sauce well and adds interesting texture.

Radiatore in Basil Pesto with Grape Tomatoes

4 T N's Orgasmic Basil Pesto
125-150 g Dry Pasta per Person
1 c Grape Tomatoes, sliced in half
1 T Olive Oil
1-2 cloves Garlic
1/4 c Fresh Parmesan, grated

Boil the pasta as per the directions. Radiatore is great with clingy sauces because there are so many nooks and crannies.  MMM.  The sauce should take about the same time as the pasta.  D likes to put the frozen Pesto cubes we keep in the freezer in the bowls we will eat from to defrost.  I would toss them with the Pasta and Tomatoes but it is up to you.

In a large sautee pan, heat the Olive Oil on medium high heat.  Add the Grape Tomatoes and sautee until softened and the skin starts to look wrinkly and the the juices are flowing.  Add the Garlic.

When the Pasta is done (8-10 minutes) lift directly from the water with a slotted spoon into the sautee pan and toss.  Don't fuss too much about draining every last drop of water away.  Toss.

Serve into the bowls that have the Pesto in them and toss.  Top with freshly grated Parmesan and serve hot.

Simple and jetlag friendly.

We had an Antelope Ridge Cabernet Franc 2006 with our meal.  With the jetlag and full day of travelling on 4 hours sleep, put me straight to sleep by 8pm. 

PHOTOS PENDING.  So torn on processing those or going through my vacation photos! *Update* POSTED FOOD PHOTOS BEFORE wedding.  Shame on me :^)

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