Saturday, January 09, 2010

Jan 8th - Vegan Bolognese with Leftover Ratatouille

Not much to this recipe but hearty lovely goodness. It was a combination of leftover ratatouille, crushed tomatoes and roasted cherry tomatoes from a series of dinners. D loves pasta, me not so much unless it's an interesting shape or has pesto. The thing is I prefer it when the sauce clings to the pasta. The best pasta I ever had was in Venice in highschool. Full of lovely rich olive oil, it hugged the pasta like ivy. D's sauce, which he has adapted for my diet and description for the sauce I prefer, is pretty darn tasty!

D's Vegan Bolognese

1.5 c leftover ratatouille
1.5 c crushed canned tomatoes
1/2 c roasted cherry tomatoes
1T tomato paste
2 garlic cloves chopped
2-3 T olive oil
1 package soy italian ground round
1/2 c freshly grated REAL parmesan

In a large skillet, heat some olive oil and sautee the garlic, do not brown. Add the leftover ratatouille, tomatoes, paste and cherry tomatoes and heat through. Add the soy ground and break up with a wooden spoon as you would ground beef. Add pepper as needed. Simmer for 5-10 minutes. Serve over whole wheat fettucini or as desired. Left the pasta directly into the sauce and cook in the sauce for a few minutes!! Top with freshly greated REAL parmesan. Nothing that comes from a green plastic cone please!


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