Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday, May 22nd - post Rapture Laziness - "I'm Still Here" - iPad Bookmark Icon for Yummo

iPad/iPod ICON
I got a new iPad 2.  It's alright once you stop expecting it to be what it's not, meaning a computer.  There are websites I cannot see or use, which is incredibly annoying.  Editting this blog is impossible because uploading photos does not work.  So if I travel, I will still have to bring my Acer Netbook.  Blah.  Still, middle of the night wake up calls, watching movies or doing the New York Times crossword puzzles are fun.  Plus the real reason we got it was to do video calls with Mom and Dad out east so they'd  stay in touch and FINALLY learn how to use a computer.  They're quite into it.  After years of trying to get them to use email and the internet, the simple interface of the iPad has Dad hooked.  He even used the phrase 'OMG' to comment on a photo I posted of T.

That said, I tried to Bookmark to the homepage like an App but iPad only takes a screenshot and without an 'official' Icon. The Icon of your bookmark is the screenshot as you save it. So if you zoom in on a photo, squared, as you save it, you should have a clean Icon.  So I'm posting my icon so I can have a proper photo on my iPad pages and so can you BUT that means everytime you go back to that page, it's zoomed in.

SO if you want to properly add an iPAD, iTouch icon for your booked marked page, it's pretty easy.

To make an iPad Icon for your Blogger Blog.:

1. Choose a photo.  Square it out.  You can crop it to 72x72 pixels but you don't have to because it will happen automatically.  The iPhone dimensions are 57x57 and it does not seem to like icons that are not pre-shrunk.

2. Save it as a PNG file called apple-touch-icon.png .  Upload it to a publically accessible address or do as I did and post it to you blog.  If you're posting it to your blog because you don't have a public drive then you have to publish the post.  Click on the photo to get the address. ""
3. Go to your Dashboard and select the Design Tab.
4. Choose, EDIT HTML.  Back up your Template before editting, if you're worried.
5. Look for the "Head" line.
6. Just below it paste  link href="" rel="apple-touch-icon" (in pointy brackets, I can't type them here because it interferes with the code and Blogger rejects it!), replacing the with the address of your photo.
7. Save your template and you're set to go.
8. If you don't want the post to be on top, you can select a very old date under "Post Options" in the post with your photo.

Now, on your iPod,iTouch or iPad, you can Bookmark your Blog or to your "Homescreen" and you'll have a proper icon! 


Tiffany said...

I'm shopping for a new computer and was considering the ipad2, I NEED to do my blogging from this computer, so thanks for sharing!

Yummo said...

No problem Tiffany. Oddly enough, this won't work as an icon on the old iPhones no matter what I did. Anyhoo, I would not recommend using the iPad for blogging. The photo loading alone is good enough reason. But the ability to scroll in embedded windows is the biggest reason. It sometimes works which is more annoying than never working because you keep trying. I'll keep my netbook for travel blogging :^D