Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saturday, July 12 - Eggplant and Prawn curry

(excuse the photo. I had to use my useless point and shoot because my new CANON SLR is in for repair AGAIN!)

D is away and so, of course, I made a seriously mouth scorching curry. D would never approve.

Along side, an Antelope Ridge Old Vines Chardonnay :-D

I made a balti. I normally make a Yellow Korean Curry which I think better approximates the original Indian Baigan Bartha. I've made it from scratch too but the Korean Curry cubes work really well. However, D has hidden my curry cubes. It's so strange. The dude has 3 year old oregano but asks me why I still have curry sauce cubes for 3 months. I remember him asking me about them a couple of months ago but I've turned the freezer inside out as well as the pantry and can't find them. I was just on Commercial and saw it in some specialty grocers but didn't want to buy more before I finished this one because D would say that I'm needlessly stocking up.:-P

I had originally planned on making an Asian Risotto with Miso base but thought about what I should have, taking advantage of D's absence. My odd experimentations are usually a good bet. Then I thought heat! Yeah heat and brussel sprouts. He hates both. So nowadays, I serve my Jamaican, Thai, Sezcuan, Indian and Korean with hot sauce on the table. I also only have brussel sprouts when D's away or when I'm mad and put it in a stir fry :-D.

Roasted Brussel Sprouts (last minute)

The brussel sprouts were a bit excessive tonight. I'm totally stuffed. I roast them. I don't recall the science, which I used to know, so just take my word for it. The roasting method eliminates the bitterness which will normally turn off the sensitive tastebuds of kids. I actually like them anywhich way but roasted adds a very tasty nuttiness that is YUMERIFFIC. So whilst also making the curry, I put 10 or 12 frozen brussel sprouts on an oiled baking sheet directly into a hot oven which I was using to bake the eggplant for the curry. I would normally go through more but I forgot about them until the last minute. It turned out okay. After the oven reached 450, I just turned it off and then let them sit there while I finished cooking.

Eggplant Curry with Prawns

Like I said this is a deviation from my normal Baigan Bartha... this is an Eggplant Balti which has not really satisfied my craving since I saw the article about Vij in the Globe and Mail but it had eggplant so I'm happy. Ingredients are in the order of how they should be added to a medium hot dutch oven pot.

1T oil, safflower or vegetable
1T butter or gee (clarified butter, this makes a huge difference in making it taste like restaurant indian food)
1 small or 1/2 medium yellow onion, sliced
(put the fan on now)
2 T Balti paste (pick your favourite, in jars in most grocers)
1 t ground ginger (nice strong stuff we bought in Bali, if not, 1 inch of fresh)
1 t fenugreek
1 t coriander seeds
2 chopped chilis (hot!)
(you could add the spices directly to the oil before the onion but I find this prevents the scorching a bit)
4-5 cloves garlic chopped
1 can of tomatoes or 2-3 fresh chopped tomatoes.
Stew on medium low heat.
Meanwhile: set the oven for 450.
1 large Eggplant, 1 inch cubes
Toss in olive oil
Spread out on a greased baking sheet.
Shake the pan a few times and when they brown, turn the oven off and let them sit in the hot oven until you need them.

After letting the pot stew for 5 minutes add the eggplant and stir.
1 can chickpeas, drained
Stew covered on medium low heat for 10-15 minutes.

Add the cleaned prawns to the pot for the last few minutes of cooking. The pot should still be bubbling to ensure it's safely cooked. You can entirely leave the prawns out. I normally do.

Serve over basmati rice or as I did tonight Quinoa.

I added a dash of habenero sauce just to turn up the heat more..mmmmmmmMMMM

Opened a bottle of the Antelope Ridge Old Vines Chardonnay I bought in the Okanagan last weekend.

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